Cédric Eeckhout
- Creation
- Theater
Straddling history, memory and homage, Héritage is about the link with our elders. As if to anticipate a future mourning, Cédric Eeckhout summons his mother, Jo Libertiaux, to the stage, a mother like all mothers but to, to his mind, ‘a fighter of sadness and joy’. Together, through Jo's portrait, they question the legacy that one generation leaves to another.
En co-présentation avec le Théâtre Varia.
Evening composed with
In French.
From 16 years old.
Wirting and direction Cédric Eeckhout
With Cédric Eeckhout, Jo Libertiaux and Pauline Sikirdji
Assistant and collaborator Eulalie Roux
Dramaturgy Nils Haarmann
Stage design and costumes Bastien Poncelet
Wigs and hairstyles Edith Carpentier
A production of Théâtre de Liège, in co-production with Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Théâtre Varia, Théâtre Dijon Bourgogne – Centre dramatique national and Théâtres de la Ville du Luxembourg | Creation at the Théâtre de Liège from October 13 to 21, 2023.
© Cédric Eeckhout