Artists' house
& Theater factory

Artists' house
& Theater factory
Photo prise lors de la fête d'ouverture du nouveau foyer, en février 2024. Il y a un concert/fanfare de MetX et plein de gens de tous les âges.Photo prise lors de la fête d'ouverture du nouveau foyer, en février 2024. Il y a un concert/fanfare de MetX et plein de gens de tous les âges.

Audience outreach

The Théâtre Les Tanneurs grants considerable importance to its relations with all types of visitors, particularly with the inhabitants of the Marolles neighbourhood, school and association visitors and art school students.

To reinforce exchanges between contemporary arts and the public, we organise encounters with the artists and a range of workshops around the shows.

We also participate in the dynamism of the Marolles neighbourhood by developing transversal initiatives for partner associations and residents. As the theatre is also a venue where spectators and residents can become actors, we undertake projects giving amateurs the opportunity to express themselves and explore their creativity.

If you would like to be kept informed of our outreach activities, please browse through our website and tabs below. Please note that the other pages are only available in French.