Artists' house
& Theater factory

Artists' house
& Theater factory

Parti en fumée

Othmane Moumen
12 – 23.03.2024
Parti en fumée
Othmane Moumen
  • Creation
  • Puppets
En voir d'avantage

Othmane Moumen is trying to decipher the enigma that his father represents. Six years ago, he has been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, terminal stage… He has been living with one lung ever since. And yet, his father is still there. A deferment that was undreamt of. And he continues to smoke like a chimney.

The lung is the organ of sadness for the Chinese, they say. So I ask myself… Why does he do this to himself? Why doesn’t he stop? The questions flow into my head, facing this father who doesn’t speak. Why did he migrate one day? Why doesn’t he move anymore? Why does he refuse to go back? It’s not easy to get it out of him. The modesty of fathers, you know! But I went to interview him. I recorded him. I have his voice. It’s there, in the box, ready to be used.

During a puppet workshop with Natacha Belova, Othmane Moumen builds a double of his father with his own hands, to make him speak. This time gained on death is an opportunity for him to deepen the investigation, to let his father tell his story through the puppet, quickly, before he goes up in smoke for good… Othmane Moumen delivers a touching and not without humour dialogue between a son and his father.

Dans un décor de salon, on voit Othmane Moumen habillé comme son père et portant un masque à l'effigie de son père, sauter en l'air.
Othmane Moumen manipule la marionnette à l'effigie de son père qui porte des lunettesn fume une cigarette en lisant son journal.
Othmane Moumen et la marionnette à l'effigie de son père sont côte à côte et partagent une cigarette.
Othmane Moumen habillé comme son père et portant un masque à l'effigie de son père lève le point. Il est dans la pénombre.
Othmane Moumen habillé comme son père et portant un masque à l'effigie de son père, est assis dans un fauteuil et fume une cigarette.
Dans la pénombre, Othmane Moumen danse et saute en l'air.

Evening composed with

Eliana Stragapede & Borna Babić
Le danseur Borna Babić, à genoux par terre, porte la danseuse Eliana Stragapede (elle est en position couchée).

In French.

From 14 years old.

Writing, playing and concept Othmane Moumen
Direction Jasmina Douieb
Direction assistant
Sophie Jallet
Artistic collaborator Isabelle Darras
Sound creation Guillaume Istace
Light creation Charlotte Persoons
Stage design and costume Thibaut De Coster
Set design assistant Charly Kleinermann
Dramaturgy Amel Benaïssa
Outside view
 Kholektif Zouf (Myriem Akheddiou, Monia Douieb and Hakim Louk’man)
Puppet conception Othmane Moumen
Objects and masks design Joachim Jannin and Jean-Raymond Brassine
Stage manager Lorenzo Berodes
Help with handling and stage management Sandrine Hooge
Construction Vincent Rutten
Set design assistance Camille Burckel and Florence Le Coc
Production and distribution support Ad Lib · Support d’artistes

A creation by Othmane Moumen, in co-production with Théâtre les Tanneurs, Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre Le Public, Maison de la Culture de Tournai, Entre Chiens et Loups company, PAN (la compagnie !), La Coop asbl and Shelter Prod | A delegated production of Théâtre Les Tanneurs | With the help of Brussels-Capital Region – Be_Talky and SACD | With the support of Maison de la Marionnette de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Tournai, du Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes – Charleville-Mézières, Espace Magh, Maison des Cultures et de la Cohésion Sociale de Molenbeek, Théâtre Royal du Parc, WBTD/WBI,, ING and Tax Shelter du gouvernement fédéral belge | Othmane Moumen is an associate artist at the Théâtre Les Tanneurs.

© Alexandre Drouet

Press Review

Une pièce d'une poésie brûlante. (...) Il se dégage une émotion magique d ece spectacle tout doux.

Catherine Makereel, Le Soir
15 March 2024