Love Me
Marina Otero & Martín Flores Cárdenas
- Dance
- Performance
After the explosive "Fuck Me", Marina Otero changes her tone and offers "Love Me", a hybrid and minimalist performance. Without artifice and without a safety net, she returns to the stage to talk about love. She continues her autofictional project ‘Recordar para vivir’, in which she turns her life into an object of investigation, an endless theatre.

From 18 years old.
In French (the text projected during the performance is in French only).
Stroboscopic effects are used during the show.
Performance Marina Otero
Text and direction Marina Otero et Martín Flores Cárdenas
French traduction Fanny Ribes
Light creation Matías Sendón
Illustration Martín Flores Cárdenas
Production Mariano de Mendonça, Marcia Rivas and Casa Estudio Teatro
Production delegated Nicolas Roux & Lucila Piffer – OTTO productions
© Nora Lezano