The Love Behind My Eyes
Ali Chahrour
- Dance
- Performance
Ali Chahrour's performance "The Love Behind My Eyes" addresses the different complexities of stories and myths on the subject of love. The performance is inspired by a 9th-century Arab legend, which recounts the tragic tale of Mohamed Ben Daoud and his lover Ben Jomea.

From 16 years old.
Choreography and direction Ali Chahrour
Playing Leila Chahrour, Chadi Aoun and Ali Chahrour
Music Abed Kobeissy
Light and stage design Guillaume Tesson
Title typography Ali Assi
Illustration and layout Chadi Aoun
Writing Isabelle Aoun
French translation Hoda Jaffal
A production of Ali Chahrour, in co-production with Kunstfest Weimar, Culture Resource, Festival Les Rencontres à l’Échelle – Marseille, Hammana Artist House, Houna Center and Art Jameel.