Artists' house
& Theater factory

Artists' house
& Theater factory

Que sera sera

16 – 20.01.2024
Que sera sera
  • Theater
En voir d'avantage


Where do theatre and film meet? STAN ventures into the realm of cinema. For this performance, which is a mix between a talk show, a film quiz and a tribute, he avails himself of all kinds of materials, including the interview Alfred Hitchcock gave to François Truffaut. The beauty of this performance lies in its unpredictability and its delicious awkwardness.

It all began with the broken ice. Truffaud was still a film critic when in the winter of 1955 Hitchcock granted him his first interview for ‘Cahiers du Cinema’. Just before that, Truffaut, nervous about meeting his idol, fell through the ice on a frozen pond. An unruffled Hitchcock suggested that they postpone the interview. Years later Hitchcock had this to say about it: “Every time I drink a whisky on the rocks, I think of you.”


In French.

From 15 years old.

By Bert Haelvoet, Damiaan De Schrijver and Matthias de Koning
With Bert Haelvoet and Damiaan De Schrijver
Text after Le Cinéma selon Alfred Hitchcock of François Truffaut (Gallimard Editions)
Video Emma Hampsten
Costumes Elisabeth Michiels
Technical Tim Wouters
French translation Martine Bom

A production of STAN | Co-production of the French version Théâtre Garonne (Toulouse) | STAN company is associated artist at Théâtre Les Tanneurs.

© Tim Wouters

Press Review

C’est la sincérité brute qui rend l’oeuvre de tg STAN, notamment dans leur ode à Hitchcock et Truffaut, toujours aussi puissante après trente ans.

Ewoud Ceulemans, De Morgen
08 June 2019

Dans Que Sera Sera, les comédiens nous entraînent dans un spectacle tourbillonnant, brillant, où fiction cinématographique et réalité théâtrale se confondent.

Kester Freriks, THEATERKRANT
04 October 2019