Erika Zueneli
- Dance
Ten dancers enter the stage one after the other. They face each other as independent individuals. From these almost subversive frontalities, gesture and rhythm emerge.
Soon the energy begins to flow abundantly. Each dancer expresses their own unique personality, and these individual expressions are transformed into human relationships. The dancers cross paths, merge and mingle. The colourful social circle takes shape in an original, transgressive and non-centred way. There are ruptures, hesitations and osmoses. Questions arise. All about identity. And what if Landfall was confronting us with our own mismanaged modern society?
Evening composed with

Landfall is playing at Les Brigittines as part of the TB2 festival.
Concept, choreography Erika Zueneli
Collaboration, scénography Olivier Renouf
Performance Alixce Bisotto, Benjamin Gisaro, Caterina Campo, Charly Simon, Clément Corrillon, Elisa Wéry, Félix Rapela, Louis Affergan, Lola Cires, Matteo Renouf
Dramaturgy Olivier Hespel
Outside eye Julie Bougard
Assistance to project Louise De Bastier, Corentin Stevens
Sound design Thomas Turine
Light creation Laurence Halloy
Costumes Silvia Hasenclever
Administration, production des Organismes vivants & Ta-dah!/Asbl
Distribution Marie Wiame
Production Tant’amati & L’Yeuse Production
Partners Central — La Louvière, Centre des Arts Scéniques – Mons, CCN de Rillieux-la-Pape, dirigé par Yuval PICK, dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil- studio scheme, Studio THOR, avec le soutien de la Compagnie Thor / Thierry Smits, Le Pavillon – Romainville, Festival Faits d’hiver – Paris, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles — Paris Avec l’aide de / Met de steun van Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la Danse, DRAC Île-de-France et Région Île-de-France via Organismes Vivantset Cap étoile (avec le dispositif PAC de la Région Île-de-France)
With de support of Wallonie- Bruxelles International, WBDT
Résidences La Louvière, CCN Roubaix Hauts-de-France — Sylvain Groud, Studio THOR, Grand Studio
The compagny is supported by Grand Studio.
© Dominique Libert